
In response to Michael’s blog post about sleep, I very much agree to the fact that “I would much rather be sleeping than doing this blog right now”.

Junior year of high school is the “hell year”. I, in fact, have a total of eight classes, 4 advance placement classes and the rest are honors or “extras”.  Furthermore, my “extra” classes takes up more time of my sleep than my actual AP classes. I wake up, then go to swim practice, then learn in school, then have more swim practice, then sometimes go to class again, then go home, then knock out, then repeat again. Yet, I still put in the effort into everything I do even though the students and teachers may not think so.

The “hell year” is suppose to impress colleges because… college. Just thinking of college and what I want to do later in life poisons my brain.

Sleep is a getaway from reality. The reality of school, college, and more school. My mother told me that I got chubbier and more fit this year because she noticed that I have been sleeping a lot. My naps are not “cat naps”. I call them “lion naps” because I nap for at least three hours a day after school.

2012, freshmen year, I did not have any sleep. I was overworking way more than junior year and it got to the point when I start to procrastinated and stopped eating. The fear of not being able to finish homework or studying for a quiz or test wrapped around me as I tremble in school. 

My weight

Chart of my weight

I was not only brain fried, but my body was crushed as well. My brain wasn’t functioning correctly and I went into a depression stage. People told me that I look sick because of my hollowed face and skeletal arms and legs. They thought I was a vampire because of how pale my faced looked. I lost more calories than gaining them because of water polo and swimming.

I realized how much weight I lost in a short period of time after visiting doctors and saying

“I’m fine.”

I was never fine nor happy. I wanted sleep and food and so I changed my diet in the beginning of sophomore year when I actually was healthy. Instead of skipping breakfast and lunch, I told my mom to pack me more food and the portion of food got bigger every time. I slept more than I have ever slept. I was back to normal.

I feel blessed every time when I sleep because I think about others who are not able to sleep because of the work they have to do. Now I’m preparing to give up sleep again, but this time I won’t harm myself in anyway. From a person who was fried, I became fresh again.

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Coming out from a relationship, you either feel free, heartbroken or mad. Your emotions from the past relationship depends by the situations between you and your former significant other. As an inexperienced girl who hasn’t been in a “real” relationship yet because I am only in high school, just hear me out. I know the beginning of love.

It all starts with seeing that certain person for the first time. Knowing that you will date the person from the first you’ve seen him/her is rather absurd; if not, it’s totally normal to see the person as how you see ’em. Opinion varies off of looks, then personality. For example, if I were a guy who sees an attractive girl, in my head I would say:

“Oooh, girrrrl”.

And depending on the girl’s personality, the view of the attractive girl may change. If she were to act what you do not like, you’d be uninterested. This applies to everybody.

Note: I am also implying that you should NOT date the person within the first second, or minute, or hour, or day, or week, or month after seeing them for the first time. 

Crushing, however, is acceptable and one of the greatest feelings in the stages of a relationship with that person. Stranger, acquaintance, friend, close friend, coworker, boss?, whomever it may be, the rumbling butterflies can burst out of your stomach every time you think or see him/her.

It is not recommended to have more than one crush because you are committing your patience for a response on whether your crush will accept your “love” or hashtag creepiness. At one point, everybody had stalked a person because they looked interesting and was curious about any certain information about them. For a crush, you are 85% interested in that person. You want to know if you share any common interests. You want to know what they are like. You want to know your crush. 

To make a move on your crush, you have to make the first approach. If you are crushing on a person you first saw online, do not send them a message unless you already have experience of online dating. I use to always talk to this one guy back in middle school on Facebook and we barely had the chance to see each other. When we saw each other in person, it was awkward because we weren’t use to talking each other face to face. It actually depends on the situation because we all have different strategies to talk to our crush; nevertheless. I sure wasn’t sociable and neither was he. Sure, it was back in middle school but as a person who had many online crushes, but it wasn’t worth the time if you will barely see your crush.

Be comfortable. You’ll be seen as a different person as soon as he/she will start to know you, possibly asking, “What happened to the person I used to know?” Let your heart out and be chill. If someone likes you, comes to you and becomes hesitant while talking to you, then you would wonder what’s wrong with them.

Be con•fi•dent. How will your crush know that you’re interested in them? Do not be cocky though because they will think that you are trying too hard to get their attention.

Be serious sometimes. Joking around is acceptable, but joking all the time is irritating. Instead, your crush(es) will find you as an annoying. Again, you would be trying too hard to get their attention.

Take care of your crush, unless you are invisible to them then move on or be visible to him/her.

Crushing is a stepping stone in a relationship and the same goes as well as for marriage proposal. You already feel ready to get into the deeper relationship; you just have to wait for the answer, unless you’re the one being asked. So if you have a crush on someone you know, go out there and have some fun. If you’re awkward like me, here’s another tip, be cute and awkward at the same time. It works every time. Shy girls/guys come out when you’re both smiling.

Good luck! If you’re already with someone, cool, then you would probably agree with me at least once.

For the people I know personally, you won’t be able to guess who I have a crush on unless I told you.

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I grew up to be sincerely honest. It is a trait that my friends and family love and hate. Every time I tell a lie, it becomes very obvious for others to tell. Last year of 2014, I was interviewed for a position in a club CSF (California Scholarship Federation). It was my very first official interview. At first I was excited because my friends said, “I believe in you June!”. But-a but-a but-a but, believing became a breakdown. I was scarred for lifeI turned red every time I spoke the lies of the qualities I was suppose to possess. It was so noticeable that it would be no difference telling from a tomato to my face. It hurts when I say words that are not true about myself.

Sometimes, when I tell the truth to friends, it may be a little brutal. My ex-boyfriend responded to a question on, “Describe the girls you dated” and answered about me with

“[She was] sassy to say the least.she loves beyonce and can be a little too honest at times but she is funny….a bit indifferent a lot of the time..She’s smart and comfortable with herself”

Okay, thank you very much ex-boyfriend. But yes, I prefer more of telling the “brutal” truth rather than lying about anything to anyone. If truths were to be out of hand sometimes, I would back my claim up, just like using any examples in essays. This one time, I told my sister that her derriere was too fat. She would get really offended because it is the only body part that did not come from either my mom or dad. However, I said my truth with love because I did not want my sister’s tush to be hanging out while wearing a skirt that barely fits her appropriately.

Usually when I tell a truth like that to anyone, I would raise two hands and say

“Truth had to be told.”

I rarely tell harsh truths to offend anyone on purpose though. Like said before, I would give an explanation why I would say that and would frequently apologize after that if they took it a little to personal.

It’s like the phrase, “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say nothin’ at all” by the character Thumper, from the movie Bambi. Lying isn’t nice and I wouldn’t say very bitter truths at all – which would also explain why I’m quiet most of the time of my life *wink wink*.

As much as I hate to say this conclusion starting phrase but, all in all, I am a good, honest person. Honesty leads to loyalty. Loyalty leads to good friendship. Good friendship leads to trust. I got to say, I really love that part about myself, being honest.

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