
I grew up to be sincerely honest. It is a trait that my friends and family love and hate. Every time I tell a lie, it becomes very obvious for others to tell. Last year of 2014, I was interviewed for a position in a club CSF (California Scholarship Federation). It was my very first official interview. At first I was excited because my friends said, “I believe in you June!”. But-a but-a but-a but, believing became a breakdown. I was scarred for lifeI turned red every time I spoke the lies of the qualities I was suppose to possess. It was so noticeable that it would be no difference telling from a tomato to my face. It hurts when I say words that are not true about myself.

Sometimes, when I tell the truth to friends, it may be a little brutal. My ex-boyfriend responded to a question on, “Describe the girls you dated” and answered about me with

“[She was] sassy to say the least.she loves beyonce and can be a little too honest at times but she is funny….a bit indifferent a lot of the time..She’s smart and comfortable with herself”

Okay, thank you very much ex-boyfriend. But yes, I prefer more of telling the “brutal” truth rather than lying about anything to anyone. If truths were to be out of hand sometimes, I would back my claim up, just like using any examples in essays. This one time, I told my sister that her derriere was too fat. She would get really offended because it is the only body part that did not come from either my mom or dad. However, I said my truth with love because I did not want my sister’s tush to be hanging out while wearing a skirt that barely fits her appropriately.

Usually when I tell a truth like that to anyone, I would raise two hands and say

“Truth had to be told.”

I rarely tell harsh truths to offend anyone on purpose though. Like said before, I would give an explanation why I would say that and would frequently apologize after that if they took it a little to personal.

It’s like the phrase, “If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say nothin’ at all” by the character Thumper, from the movie Bambi. Lying isn’t nice and I wouldn’t say very bitter truths at all – which would also explain why I’m quiet most of the time of my life *wink wink*.

As much as I hate to say this conclusion starting phrase but, all in all, I am a good, honest person. Honesty leads to loyalty. Loyalty leads to good friendship. Good friendship leads to trust. I got to say, I really love that part about myself, being honest.

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