
Lately, I have been playing the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game app on my iPod as a distraction from stress when I cannot sleep. For those who does not know who Kim Kardashian is:

1. She is a famous for being famous.
2. She has absolutely no talents.
3. She is married to one of the most arrogant people in the world – Kanye West.
4. She named her child “the point of the horizon midway between north and west” ( a.k.a. North West.

Me and Kim

On the left is my character and on the right is Kim Kardashian

The point of playing this role-playing game as yourself or anyone else is to reach to the top “A-List” rank. You start off working at a clothing store and then you meet the O The Great and Glorious Kim Kardashian by giving her a dress for free, simply because she’s Kim Kardashian. Anyone who begins the game will have to realize that all they’re going to do are completing attainable quests and achievable goals such as modeling, dating, filming, and other special quests.

The amount of goals one performs will gain “fans” – the stepping stone to the “A-List” rank. Certain number of fans will tell what kind of rank one is in.

What kind of energy does it take to win the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game? Winning any game is a lengthy process despite hacking and cheating. Usually hacking and cheating only makes the process of winning games shorter. The other factor of these unmoral actions is just having “nicer” equipment and. For any game app on the iTunes store, it is easy to hack them.

I, in fact, have two different Kim Kardashian: Hollywood accounts. One in my Kindle Fire HD. And the other in my cracked 4th generation iPod. In my account on the Kindle Fire HD, I play the game like any ethical person and I hacked the other account on my iPod. In both accounts, I have reached the “A-List” rank but the case is, the process on either account did not matter because the known results were unbearable to accept.

The only differences between the hacked game and the regular game were that you get unlimited cash and “K-Stars” -the more valuable, alternative cash. With “K-Stars”, you can buy “energy” which is the only way to do quests to speed process, buy better clothes, and “charm” characters in the game to make the game easier or as the game says it, have “better opportunities”.


Shown in the picture above is my level, the amount of energy I have, my unlimited cash, and my unlimited “K-Stars”. In the top right corner is my rank and out of 500 characters in the story, I have the most fans with “194.8 million”. There’s me with the fabulous “one hand on the hip” pose.

Although the non-hacked version of the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is more challenging, it’s rather more of squandering time and real money if one is reckless to save themselves from losing fans, a date (boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband), and rank. Playing the non-hacked version without lingering on the the lowest position, the “E” rank, is required to stay devoted. Since not everyone can afford 50 bucks for 100 energy every 5 minutes, it takes time to fill the energy bar which is customarily only limited to around 20-40 energy. Certain quests require certain amount of energy used.

Depending on how well the quest is done within the assured hours that must be finished by, one gets the x amount of fans. Because I did not want to lose fans, I had to wake up in the middle of the night to play three minutes of Kim Kardashian: Hollywood before quest(s) gets timed up.

Eventually, I made it to the top rank in the non-hacked account and and towered all of the “A-Listers” on the other. I stopped playing the non-hacked version because too much commitment to the game impeded my sleep schedule. In the end, I just had the status of being “the top of the top”. My emotions when I reached the #1 rank went from being super excited for five seconds to “why in the world did I waste my time for this”. Thinking I was getting something good out of this really gave me the motivation to tap on the devices every hour or so, but noooo..

Do I regret playing this? As much as I enjoyed how much the game was all about me, I can’t say that I love this game nor hate it. It’s like finishing a television series or any game; now I have to tolerate the fact that I have to move on. I still have a mass amount of quests to do, but in the end it’s like I don’t have a goal anymore. So yes, I do regret playing this. Persevering for nothing!

No goals - Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game app on the cracked iPod 4th Generation because the screenshot wouldn't work while the app was open.

No goals – Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game app on the cracked iPod 4th Generation because the screenshot wouldn’t work while the app was open.